8 family-friendly fundraising ideas
If you are a family with littles, you are probably always trying to find things to keep your kids busy and teach them to …

Pinky Swear talks with Total Country BOB-FM
In honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, Pinky Swear Foundation partnered with Total Country BOB-FM to spread the w …

Q&A With All-Star Skyler
Childhood cancer changes everything. If you’ve been following Pinky Swear Foundation for a while now, you know that we s …

Cancer is messy.
Childhood cancer is frightening, relentless, and life-changing. Family life quickly spirals out of control. When a child …

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! Help kids with cancer and their families by spreading the word.
Odds are, you know someone who has been affected by cancer. We would even say you probably know someone close to you who …

August 17th is National Non-Profit Day!
It is National Non-Profit Day! Here are five ways you can support your local non-profit today (and every day). Subscribe …

Easing 'Supermarket Scaries': Corporate Philanthropy's Role in Helping Families Battling Childhood Cancer
Ever heard of the term ‘supermarket scaries’? A play on words, it speaks to the very real fear consumers are experiencin …

Meet All-Star Za'nari
“At first you think you are alone, but you are not. You think you can do it yourself, but there are others there to help …

A Pinky Swear Promise in Action
Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone. Empathy is acknowledging the feelings of another. Compassion is the best extensio …

The 60% increase in demand for support.
When you hear a family who has a child battling cancer, you desperately want to help. Sadly, you are not a doctor or a m …