Pinky Swear Foundation

Volunteer With Us


Have a lemonade stand, car wash, bake sale, or your own creative idea to raise money for kids with cancer. We've got ideas and tips to help it be a success!

Letters of Encouragement

Would you like to bring a smile to a child's face? Write a letter to a Pinky Swear All-Star! We place these heartfelt letters in our special "Orange Envelope" along with a small financial contribution and a resource guide for parents. This package serves as the initial connection to Pinky Swear Foundation for families dealing with childhood cancer. The encouraging letter penned by a Pinky Swear volunteer is truly the highlight of it all!

Donate, host a drive, or volunteer for the Pantry.

If you are looking to host or support a food drive, volunteer to deliver and stock food, or purchase necessary supplies, learn more.

The Pinky Swear Pack

Pinky Swear Packs exist across the country to fundraise for kids with cancer and their families while building community around philanthropy.

Minnesota Opportunities

Currently, there are no in-office opportunities.  

What Volunteering Looks Like at Pinky Swear Foundation

More Opportunities

Looking to help, but looking for something a little different?